Thursday, July 21, 2011

Let There Be Light

We all cross bridges in our lives...

I for one have driven across the Golden Gate Bridge in California, marched the Rio Grande Gorge in New Mexico...

...but nothing beats the Fun Cut Bridge in Agogo

The Fun Cut Bridge consists of two worn down planks preventing runoff sewage between your toes. 
-Efficiency in its prime-

Its called the Fun Cut Bridge because it was a lot more fun crossing the bridge to the Tro Tro station than the normal (boring) route.


One of the biggest challenges I faced in Africa was comparing their environment to my own.


The guide who introduced the Fun Cut Bridge casted the most light on this challenge...

Meet Prince Boamka. I call him Prince because when I asked him to write his name, he wrote Prince Boamka. 
It beats his English name, Terrance...

That got me thinking what the definition of a Prince is. I (sadly) first think of Disney's version of a handsome prince with silk pants on a white horse with an english accent. 
Thanks Walt...


How cool is that? A boy who speaks almost no english announces himself as a form of royalty!
-Pride in its prime-

So I quickly changed my definition of a prince.
Prince: An heir to a future throne of society
-A diplomat in its prime-

Well if he is a prince, then I am a prince! I will be a diplomat for my hood!

So what could a foreign diplomat share with this young prince?
 What kind of light could I shed?

Ironically, the electricity went out in our town giving me an opportunity to present the power of photography.

GRAPHY=the art of

Most children (adults for that matter) think a camera is quite simple: aim the box, snap, photograph...
-technology in its prime-

-But imagine a child in Africa grasping the power of photography. Many children don't know how to spell the numbers 1-10!

 Prince Boamka and I might have had a language barrier but we both shared some common grounds...

Prince showing off his mad ninja skills.

Fortunanty, Prince has a MUCH better chance of graduating from high school and continue his education elsewhere in the universe...

The sky is the limit

Prince Boamka made me realize something...

We are all heirs to the throne of the future. We all have family who create the playgrounds for generations to come. What you do for YOUR people is what makes the gears of society rotate.

Your staring at a future king.
Bow down please.

Monday, July 11, 2011

What State you from? -State of Conciseness

Tattoos are scars with specific meanings... Like a best friend, they stay with you until the end.

For many people in Africa, scars are equivalent to a form of identity like a passport. Tribes from certain areas uniquily brand their children on the face usually around the age of one. That way they always know where they are from.

Sometimes they are symbols/tattoos with significant meanings...

...Or just a tiny little mark on your cheek

Wear your scars with pride.