Saturday, May 28, 2011

Smiles go a long way. When I lay eye contact on someone and send a smile, it makes a nice ripple effect around me.

Everyday I have been visiting a village  just a stones throw away from our house.

The town of Agogo is a nice little strip of locals who love to sit around and talk. I have been sitting down with them, meeting as many as I can and try to learn as much Twi in the short time I am here.

Some of the kids will scream and jump, "OBRUNI OBRUNI OBRUNI" and latch on to you.
-Dont mind the smell of fish on your clothes.

This Sunday I will be attending Agogo's Catholic Church Sermon on Sunday by my self. It is only one of three catholic churches, and only speaks in Twi. The locals said they will have a translator for me.
This will be the first catholic church with dancing.

Christians in the states should take note of Christians in Africa.
-If only we had stores named 'Jesus is our Lord Best Buy' or 'Blood of Jesus McDonalds'

Random notes

I will be playing football with some locals today. I'm going to get my ass whooped.

Obama is bigger here than in Illinois. (Chicago doesn't sell Obama Kente Cloth)

You don't need a prescription for anything.

I have more but my internet time is expiring.


Night of the Living Kente

When asking locals a favor, they make sure to either get some cash moniez or your contact information. Luckily, Daniel is willing to give out all of his personal information. :)

To find the internet cafe I am currently at, a man kindly showed us the way, only to ask for my phone number and email address
-He's my new Pen Pal now

The gang and I traveled to three small villages outside Kumasi yesterday.

Night Of the Living Kente
Scene 1- We went to a spot where stores of Kente Cloth is sold. Google Kente cloth so I dont have to explain.
Here's a problem in Africa- every store in a 200 yard radius sells the same Kente cloth. They have TONS of kente cloth. If you say you do not like that color, they will run back to their store and grab one of the opposite color... including three other colors.
-Survival of the fittest
"I give you student discount."
"I like you so I give you good price"
"You speak Twi well, I give you discount."

By the time all of us gathered at the Tro-Tro-Pro (Not as good as the Tro-Tro Deluxe but better than a Tro-Tro), there were about seven people wanting to sell any Kente Cloth for almost any Kente price.
We all gathered in the Tro-Tro and arms of Kente cloth were piercing the windows.--Just imagine any zombie movie...Kente style.

Scene 2-We visited a village where the ink for Kente patterns are made. Cauldrons of boiling ink engulfed the center of the village. We gained knowledge of Kente while losing Kente brain cells. A few of us noticed a pattern: There was an abnormal rate of mentally challenged kids at this particular village and wondered if if had to do with the ink process.
When leaving the Tro-Tro-Pro, the kids would slam their little faces on the window asking for money. We gave the ink pens instead.

Scene 3- The last village specialized in wood carving. The typical ornament you see in peoples houses and they say "Yeah, I got this in Africa, it's a blah blah blah blah blah".....That place.

"Hey bro, check out my shop, you'll find some cool stuff'
"Come look at my shop, I got some awesome masks."

Imagine your best friend/neighbor transform to your greatest rival because a bus load of white people arrive on your doorstep. Fair Trade at its finest


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

For class, we must commute to a guest house on the opposite side of town. Luckily, my host family is my professor so I will never be late! Ironically, we were late to class today!

The living situation is much different here (no shit) when it comes to the families. The professor has a wife and three kids but they are in the States at the moment. Five of his nieces and nephews are living at the house for the summer. Three are brothers, aging 9, 19, and 24 and two are sisters who are nursing majors at a University in town.

There are gender roles still in place-- the women wake up before the men do to sweep and clean the house while the men will work. In my case, I'll cook.

African Migas, baby

The house is very nice and it is outside of town in a 'suburb,' unlike other class mates who live closer to the heart of busy Kumasi. I am lucky to live with two other class mates because everyone else has been paired.


I don't have much to say so I'll just say things that might appeal to your eyes.

Mosquito nets are strangely romantic

Fanta is big here

Popped collars are popular amongst the college kids

Ghana television is probably the funniest thing since Alf... Get it?
-On that note, Spanish soap operas dubbed in English are HUGE amongst pentecostal females. I miss Telemundo.

Now I know what a dog does when they see a human of another color (reverse racism)

Colonization might be gone but the British know how to siphon money from Africa. Thank you corporations.

It smells more like shit in Berlin  than it does in Kumasi.

Ghana loves Chelsea. Go to hell Man U.
-On that note, we get to go to a Black Stars match against Congo!!!!

Goats are cute. Baaahhh

Don't use you left hand for anything but wiping your ass. -Theoretically and literally

Bags of water are more fun than bottles of water. -Now I know what its like to be breast fed.

It's been fun, enjoy CNN, Fox, and MSNBC for your daily coverage on               insert topic of the week here______ so advertisements can siphon your money. 

Follow me on Facebook or Twitter-- hahahahaha


Analog Baby

I attempted to post a blog last week but the power went out in our area. Its not uncommon and has happened multiple times throughout the trip.

-I blame Obama

A lot has happened since the last post so I will only scratch the surface of a very big meat pie. They are very tasty, by the way.

We traveled from Accra to Cape Coast on Friday to see the slave castles where the british, dutch, french, american, anything not black, would ship slaves throughout Africa to Europe and the Americas. Think of it as a slave Home Depot or Lowes, whichever one is more convenient.

-I blame Christopher Colombus

We stayed at a nice beach resort and even had class in the ocean. I went for a jog one morning and noticed a little boy naked on the beach. As I jogged past him, he accompanied me for a short while and asked if I was heading back to my room. I replied yes but quickly learned NOT to allow them to follow because they will beg in front of your room.
I have had grow some thick skin and constantly decline beggars of every kind. The popular saying is "I'm hungry" with a little rub of their belly.

-I blame the lack of McDonald's


So now we are in the heart of Ghana, the famous Kumasi City. Home of the Asante tribe, we have had to learn basic Twi sayings in order to get around on TroTros (vans that pack 15 people). OBRUNI means white man. I reply with OBOBINI which means black man. They get a kick out of it. Children love to smile and wave at obruni's.

I blame capitalism.

I love the lack of internet, cell phone, air conditioning, everything we take for granted. I feel so much more analog here, making me feel human in a special way.

I blame human nature.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hustlers Diet

On the flight to Ghana, I happen to sit next to a lovely woman named Rita who happens to live in Austin and was visiting her family in Ghana! What are the odds!?

--I lied, her name wasn't Rita. I just don't want to give out that information

The gang (all of my homies, including me) decided to walk to the nearest ice cream spot called Freddie's.Freddie was a nice old man.

On the journey there, a young man by the name of Chris began making me a braclet with my name. It is was a black bracelet with the country's flag colors for the text.

-- I lied, I said my name was Daniel. I just don't want to give out that information.

While eating  yummy chocolate and macadamia nut ice cream, a 'hustler' came up to me and wanted to sell me some more bracelets. I kindly declined while he kindly declined my decline. A Freddie Security Guard had to hustle the hustler away from us.

-- I lied, I didn't eat chocolate macadamia nut ice cream. I just don't want to give out that information.

A quick definition of a hustler-- Someone who cannot afford a shop to sell their 'goods' and walks around...hustling.

The next day, both the hustler and Chris were across the street of our residency. They remembered me.

"Hey Daniel! Come over here!" I had no money on me so there was no way of being hustled. All I had was a sketchbook and a pencil. --And a leather string/bracelet

They attempted to give me a guilt trip on how they have no money and I should support their 'hustling' business.

Long story short, I traded yet another bracelet for my pencil, and gave Chris (same age as me) the book Galapagos, a novel by Kurt Vonnegut... So it goes.

The day turned to evening and  I danced my ass off with some African band. I opened my hips.

I have been profusely shaking hands with as many people (including hustlers) to siphon their bacteria knowledge for my personal immunity. hahahaha

--I lied, I hug them. I just don't want to give out that information

To whom it may concern, I will tell you this one thing. Sardanapolis is a nice painting.


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Right On Right On

In 24 hours I will be on a plane to Africa.

I hear they have good coffee.

Lets start simple. My expedition began while listening to some random Afro-Jazz music. The Nigerian composer went by the name of Fela Kuti. Fela means 'Love me.'--take that as you want...

The music was so new! Drums from every angle, saxophones swinging and bass thumping: the cherries in my ear had been popped. 

While receiving auditory pleasure, I got an email advertising a study abroad tip to Africa.

The rest is history.

If you have a spare 30 minutes, listen to Fela Kuti. ODOO (Overtake Don Overtake Overtake) is an amazing song- and for the price of a cup of water, you will be supporting a culture other than your own.
