Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Analog Baby

I attempted to post a blog last week but the power went out in our area. Its not uncommon and has happened multiple times throughout the trip.

-I blame Obama

A lot has happened since the last post so I will only scratch the surface of a very big meat pie. They are very tasty, by the way.

We traveled from Accra to Cape Coast on Friday to see the slave castles where the british, dutch, french, american, anything not black, would ship slaves throughout Africa to Europe and the Americas. Think of it as a slave Home Depot or Lowes, whichever one is more convenient.

-I blame Christopher Colombus

We stayed at a nice beach resort and even had class in the ocean. I went for a jog one morning and noticed a little boy naked on the beach. As I jogged past him, he accompanied me for a short while and asked if I was heading back to my room. I replied yes but quickly learned NOT to allow them to follow because they will beg in front of your room.
I have had grow some thick skin and constantly decline beggars of every kind. The popular saying is "I'm hungry" with a little rub of their belly.

-I blame the lack of McDonald's


So now we are in the heart of Ghana, the famous Kumasi City. Home of the Asante tribe, we have had to learn basic Twi sayings in order to get around on TroTros (vans that pack 15 people). OBRUNI means white man. I reply with OBOBINI which means black man. They get a kick out of it. Children love to smile and wave at obruni's.

I blame capitalism.

I love the lack of internet, cell phone, air conditioning, everything we take for granted. I feel so much more analog here, making me feel human in a special way.

I blame human nature.


1 comment:

  1. Fantastic entry. I try to actively disregard internet, cell phones, air conditioning, etc.... in your name.

    -I blame you
