Saturday, May 28, 2011

Night of the Living Kente

When asking locals a favor, they make sure to either get some cash moniez or your contact information. Luckily, Daniel is willing to give out all of his personal information. :)

To find the internet cafe I am currently at, a man kindly showed us the way, only to ask for my phone number and email address
-He's my new Pen Pal now

The gang and I traveled to three small villages outside Kumasi yesterday.

Night Of the Living Kente
Scene 1- We went to a spot where stores of Kente Cloth is sold. Google Kente cloth so I dont have to explain.
Here's a problem in Africa- every store in a 200 yard radius sells the same Kente cloth. They have TONS of kente cloth. If you say you do not like that color, they will run back to their store and grab one of the opposite color... including three other colors.
-Survival of the fittest
"I give you student discount."
"I like you so I give you good price"
"You speak Twi well, I give you discount."

By the time all of us gathered at the Tro-Tro-Pro (Not as good as the Tro-Tro Deluxe but better than a Tro-Tro), there were about seven people wanting to sell any Kente Cloth for almost any Kente price.
We all gathered in the Tro-Tro and arms of Kente cloth were piercing the windows.--Just imagine any zombie movie...Kente style.

Scene 2-We visited a village where the ink for Kente patterns are made. Cauldrons of boiling ink engulfed the center of the village. We gained knowledge of Kente while losing Kente brain cells. A few of us noticed a pattern: There was an abnormal rate of mentally challenged kids at this particular village and wondered if if had to do with the ink process.
When leaving the Tro-Tro-Pro, the kids would slam their little faces on the window asking for money. We gave the ink pens instead.

Scene 3- The last village specialized in wood carving. The typical ornament you see in peoples houses and they say "Yeah, I got this in Africa, it's a blah blah blah blah blah".....That place.

"Hey bro, check out my shop, you'll find some cool stuff'
"Come look at my shop, I got some awesome masks."

Imagine your best friend/neighbor transform to your greatest rival because a bus load of white people arrive on your doorstep. Fair Trade at its finest


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