Saturday, May 28, 2011

Smiles go a long way. When I lay eye contact on someone and send a smile, it makes a nice ripple effect around me.

Everyday I have been visiting a village  just a stones throw away from our house.

The town of Agogo is a nice little strip of locals who love to sit around and talk. I have been sitting down with them, meeting as many as I can and try to learn as much Twi in the short time I am here.

Some of the kids will scream and jump, "OBRUNI OBRUNI OBRUNI" and latch on to you.
-Dont mind the smell of fish on your clothes.

This Sunday I will be attending Agogo's Catholic Church Sermon on Sunday by my self. It is only one of three catholic churches, and only speaks in Twi. The locals said they will have a translator for me.
This will be the first catholic church with dancing.

Christians in the states should take note of Christians in Africa.
-If only we had stores named 'Jesus is our Lord Best Buy' or 'Blood of Jesus McDonalds'

Random notes

I will be playing football with some locals today. I'm going to get my ass whooped.

Obama is bigger here than in Illinois. (Chicago doesn't sell Obama Kente Cloth)

You don't need a prescription for anything.

I have more but my internet time is expiring.


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