Wednesday, May 25, 2011

For class, we must commute to a guest house on the opposite side of town. Luckily, my host family is my professor so I will never be late! Ironically, we were late to class today!

The living situation is much different here (no shit) when it comes to the families. The professor has a wife and three kids but they are in the States at the moment. Five of his nieces and nephews are living at the house for the summer. Three are brothers, aging 9, 19, and 24 and two are sisters who are nursing majors at a University in town.

There are gender roles still in place-- the women wake up before the men do to sweep and clean the house while the men will work. In my case, I'll cook.

African Migas, baby

The house is very nice and it is outside of town in a 'suburb,' unlike other class mates who live closer to the heart of busy Kumasi. I am lucky to live with two other class mates because everyone else has been paired.


I don't have much to say so I'll just say things that might appeal to your eyes.

Mosquito nets are strangely romantic

Fanta is big here

Popped collars are popular amongst the college kids

Ghana television is probably the funniest thing since Alf... Get it?
-On that note, Spanish soap operas dubbed in English are HUGE amongst pentecostal females. I miss Telemundo.

Now I know what a dog does when they see a human of another color (reverse racism)

Colonization might be gone but the British know how to siphon money from Africa. Thank you corporations.

It smells more like shit in Berlin  than it does in Kumasi.

Ghana loves Chelsea. Go to hell Man U.
-On that note, we get to go to a Black Stars match against Congo!!!!

Goats are cute. Baaahhh

Don't use you left hand for anything but wiping your ass. -Theoretically and literally

Bags of water are more fun than bottles of water. -Now I know what its like to be breast fed.

It's been fun, enjoy CNN, Fox, and MSNBC for your daily coverage on               insert topic of the week here______ so advertisements can siphon your money. 

Follow me on Facebook or Twitter-- hahahahaha


1 comment:

  1. thanks. this is real and it's awesome and I miss you. miss you here being in the balance with me. that's why we escape each other sometimes :)
