Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hustlers Diet

On the flight to Ghana, I happen to sit next to a lovely woman named Rita who happens to live in Austin and was visiting her family in Ghana! What are the odds!?

--I lied, her name wasn't Rita. I just don't want to give out that information

The gang (all of my homies, including me) decided to walk to the nearest ice cream spot called Freddie's.Freddie was a nice old man.

On the journey there, a young man by the name of Chris began making me a braclet with my name. It is was a black bracelet with the country's flag colors for the text.

-- I lied, I said my name was Daniel. I just don't want to give out that information.

While eating  yummy chocolate and macadamia nut ice cream, a 'hustler' came up to me and wanted to sell me some more bracelets. I kindly declined while he kindly declined my decline. A Freddie Security Guard had to hustle the hustler away from us.

-- I lied, I didn't eat chocolate macadamia nut ice cream. I just don't want to give out that information.

A quick definition of a hustler-- Someone who cannot afford a shop to sell their 'goods' and walks around...hustling.

The next day, both the hustler and Chris were across the street of our residency. They remembered me.

"Hey Daniel! Come over here!" I had no money on me so there was no way of being hustled. All I had was a sketchbook and a pencil. --And a leather string/bracelet

They attempted to give me a guilt trip on how they have no money and I should support their 'hustling' business.

Long story short, I traded yet another bracelet for my pencil, and gave Chris (same age as me) the book Galapagos, a novel by Kurt Vonnegut... So it goes.

The day turned to evening and  I danced my ass off with some African band. I opened my hips.

I have been profusely shaking hands with as many people (including hustlers) to siphon their bacteria knowledge for my personal immunity. hahahaha

--I lied, I hug them. I just don't want to give out that information

To whom it may concern, I will tell you this one thing. Sardanapolis is a nice painting.


1 comment:

  1. Hola nameless son of a co-worker! who shall also remain nameless to protect the innocent. I am also nameless but you can call me lo-lo :) I am loving your blog thus far. but it is early on in this adventure and you could bore me in no time. I am lucky to know an outstanding young man that just graduated from college last weekend and got married the same weekend. why do i bother you with this tid bit? because the young man married a girl from Nigeria. She was born & raised in Nigeria (the name of her tribe escapes me at the moment) then she came to America for college. She has a sister that resides in Houston where the wedding was held. it was a traditional African wedding and I was floored by the cultural experinece. Loved it. Want the hat. I will listen to the music you mentioned that launched your journey. thanks for sharing and I look forward to keeping up with your experiences. take care. have you had the good coffee yet? later...... lolo in longhorn land :)
