Friday, June 17, 2011

To whom it may concern...

I took a lot of pictures on this short trip and will only present a few for your eyes to feast on. 

I spent a lot of time choosing photographs that told a story....

So please,

take your time when scrolling through my photographs

 Meet Akos. I would buy bread and other nick-nacks from her in the town of Agogo.

 This pretty lady snuck into our tour and acted like she was part of our group. She patiently waited until we were alone to say, "I'm hungry."

Hey, when you have lemons...

 Meet DJ Confidence

Meet the future


  1. freaking inspiring as heck. awesome. great photography too! don't think i've ever seen it before...

  2. incredible man. i especially love picture 1 (with the woman in bright colors and the wall fading from teal to dirty stone), the one where your foot is "walking" on trees, the bridge (i'm into bridges), and meeting the future (What an amazing capture!).
