Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Welcome to the Machine

Within the next 24 hours I will be landing in Washington DC

-I hear they have good Coffee

Its been a blast in Africa and I must say, it has done a great deal for me.

A few confessions:

Monetary System fails everyone but the few

I traded a lot of my clothing in return for their clothing.

I was bit 23 times by mosquitos the first night here
 -That'll teach me to leave my window open

Peace Core sounds pretty good now

I can't save the world...I guess I will just change it...

You are what you DRINK

Knowing English will make you or break you.

Ride the wave
-Don't fight the current

Technology....Sony invented Micheal Jackson

What does the word dirty mean anyomore?

I had one pen I used the entire

You have always been working for 'the man' because you are 'the man'

You are part of a secret society...Yeah, its just that secret

I have the state of Texas inked on my back... I am leaving it behind


enjoy your life...with care


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