Thursday, June 2, 2011

Busy Busy

I set a new record for bathing by only using 62oz of water in a bucket bath. The best part was the lack of electricity so I bathed under the moonlight.
-Romanticism at its prime.

We visited the Ashanti gold mine where over 1000 miners are digging for about 10oz of gold a day. We went deep into the muddy depths of hell only to get lost for about an hour. We were not sure if the guide was actually lost or just making us white folks get a taste of their everyday life.
- I would've done the same
-Every kiss begins with K----Why do we spend so much money on a pointless piece of rock??? Thanks a lot Rothschild Family.

We journeyed through the Ashanti market, the biggest in West Africa.

Someone successfully pick pocketed a classmates cellphone, only to get caught. He quickly gave the cell phone back and walked away because the rule is: if you are caught stealing, the people in the market will gang up and kill you.

I played football with some local kids. We won 2-1


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the movie "Blood Diamond" with less bad acting. Next time I expect a hat trick Ian.

    Miss you muchisimo, and keep writing. PLEASE keep writing!
