Thursday, June 9, 2011

Verbal Hunger

A quick story...

While in Cape Coast, I encountered two locals who asked for money

The first acted like a student during a tour  and patiently waited until you I was alone

"I am Hungry"
Okay so I gave her five citis

The next encounter was the next day while on the beach. A little boy began to follow me back to my room and said the same thing
"I am hungry" while gently placing his hand on his stomach

I did not have any cash but I learned my lesson from the first encounter.

But while in the village I stayed in...

A 22 year old aliased as Confidence (DJ Confidence) would approach me every day and want to hang out and talk. I was always busy but i promised him I would save some time for a nice Daniel&Confidence time.

He was a very persistant kid but very nice and patient with me.

The last day in Kumasi he showed me every nook and cranny of the village. He even showed me a funeral! Africans know how to celebrate their dead.

Confidence would constantly bring up the fact he needed motivation to continue his work so I constantly explained to him the best motivation is himself.


We said our goodbyes and I began to walk home when I hear

he ran back to me, looked me in the eye and placed his hand on his stomach
"I am hungry"


It wasnt the fact he begged but how he used the statement as a last resort for money.

How is are developing countries supposed to accomplish anything if they believe all of their problems will be solved with monetary factors?

Most Africans truly believe our streets are paved with gold and have rivers of milk and honey.

Think again about the value of a dollar. It really is just a piece of paper....I mean plastic...


I have more to say but this french keyboard is f***ing driving me insane.

Greetings from Togo

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